Monday, July 9, 2012

Camping at East Canyon and Floating the Webe

It was Dave's birthday weekend and he had Friday off so we went camping with my cousin, Natalie and her hubby, Kevin. We camped by East Canyon Reservoir. We had a blast! We relaxed, hiked, played games, roasted mallows and even were threatened by some classy peeps. Let me tell you the little story...The night Dave and I got there we saw some people scrummaging through unused campsites and in the trees and realized they were trying to collect firewood. We just chuckled and went on with our night. The next night, the campground filled up and these classy people pulled in to a campsite a few down from us. The four of us were heading to use the bathrooms when the older lady started yelling at us and blaming us for calling the cops on them. We were all taken back and had no idea what she was talking about. I went into the bathroom while the boys tried to go and explain to her that we didn't even have cell service and that her accusation was wrong, but she wasn't having any of it. She threatened to kick Kevin's a** and more. I guess her son tried to tell her she couldn't threaten people and all. They got a couple citations from the ranger that had just come through the campground because he heard and then saw them chopped and pulling down sagebrush and things to use as firewood. The neighboring campsite were the ones who were the little tattle tales, but we got the blame I guess. Our neighbors had a hey day the rest of the night laughing it up. They got pretty wasted and enjoyed their night; it was entertaining to listen to and watch.
Saturday, Allie and Jake joined us to float the Weber River and then we all had lunch at Taggart's Grill. Floating the river and Taggart's might become a new tradition for Dave and Jake's birthday. Dave had a harder time this year with his birthday...he turned 27! Happy Birthday to my amazing husband! You are still young in my eyes!
This is at the peak of our hike. I was freaking out when Dave started walking to the edge  as I was on his shoulders.


Playing in the reservoir

Allie got wacked by the kayak, but she is ok!

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