Wednesday, February 17, 2010

St. George & Heart Day

St. George sunshine. Need I say more. Wow, I don't think I have ever been so opposed to coming home from a trip than I was Monday. It was BE. A. U. TIFUL in St. George this last weekend! No joke. We had so much to do on this trip, too. We had a hard time fitting it all in but we did fit most things in. We were able to get 2 days of tennis in, day and evening walks/hikes, a run, a 20 miler on the road bike, a great Valentine's dinner at a new fave, and even a pedicure in the very last hour. We were also able to try another food place I've been wanting to try for the last few times we've gone down, 25 Main. I got a super scrumptious salad! Dave and I were contemplating early retirement and trying to come up with ways to do it.

On our drive down.
Our milk was going to go bad by the time we got back so Dave topped it off with strawberry milk mix.
Some Nasella tennis

Our first fondue outing. Our entrees were brought on hot rocks and you pretty much cooked your own steak on the rock. We were pretty fascinated.

The Anasazi Steakhouse

Another fave, movie rentals.

Friday, February 12, 2010

1 more pill a day keeps the banana away

So like all people, there are some things I hated even the thought of eating as a kid but as I grew older my taste buds matured or I finally gave some things a chance, ie. nuts, onions, berries, etc. As I expanded my food likings there is still one thing I can NOT even think a thought of this food without getting the heeby-geebies. Bananas. Ewe, GROSS! I just got them. For some reason the look, texture, smell, sound, taste- artificial or real is so excrutiatingly painful to me that even though I've discovered that I have a potassium deficiency and get horrific charlie-horses in the middle of the nights, wake my poor husband by rolling around the bed holding my leg and almost cussing my brains out (if you know me I don't cuss so the fact that I am on the verge of it when this happens is a big deal) and to top it off, a couple weeks ago I started getting a twitch in my right eye, which wasn't all that attractive I must say, but after all this I can't find any bit of will to eat just one stinken miniscule bite of banana. After my friend, Allison, telling me that the twitch in my eye was a sign for potassium deficiency I decided to add another pill to my day. Its just a supplement but now I am taking just as many pills/supplements a day as 70 year olds take.
The good news is: I have not had one charlie-horse or eye twitch since I started the supplements! So there's to you banana, I don't think you and I will ever be friends.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Babysitting & Snowboarding

This past weekend was so great. We both had the weekend off at Goodwood and were able to relax and do whatever we wanted...I don't remember the last time that happened on a weekend. We ended up watching our niece and nephew, Cora and Jonas. We watched a couple movies and hung out at our place with them. Saturday my dad text me at 10 am saying Kaitlin wanted to learn how to snowboard and said he would pay if we took her for a half day. It was a beautiful day up at Brighton. I actully find a liking to snowboarding this time probably because I wasn't worried baout being so cold the whole time. We usually go night boarding and I bail out early because of the cold. This time I was able to keep going and going. That night we ordered pizza and hung out at my parents to watch the Jazz game. The Super Bowl was fun too. We took over Dave's parent's house with his sisters and families, and kicked back and pigged out. Good, nice weekend!

Kaitlin's first time snowboarding...
and she has every intention to not make it her last. She LOVED it!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

January 2010

During the month of January...

Dave joined me as a server at Goodwood Barbecue...I don't think he could handle anymore nights without me

a new, handsome nephew was born January 6 at 11:37 p.m. Everett Michael Price

I completed my first sewing project EVER! Super cute and super easy!

Important note: this is for a friend, not me...

January flew by! Probably due to the busi-ness of it but we are both ready for the spring, so bring it on!