Friday, February 12, 2010

1 more pill a day keeps the banana away

So like all people, there are some things I hated even the thought of eating as a kid but as I grew older my taste buds matured or I finally gave some things a chance, ie. nuts, onions, berries, etc. As I expanded my food likings there is still one thing I can NOT even think a thought of this food without getting the heeby-geebies. Bananas. Ewe, GROSS! I just got them. For some reason the look, texture, smell, sound, taste- artificial or real is so excrutiatingly painful to me that even though I've discovered that I have a potassium deficiency and get horrific charlie-horses in the middle of the nights, wake my poor husband by rolling around the bed holding my leg and almost cussing my brains out (if you know me I don't cuss so the fact that I am on the verge of it when this happens is a big deal) and to top it off, a couple weeks ago I started getting a twitch in my right eye, which wasn't all that attractive I must say, but after all this I can't find any bit of will to eat just one stinken miniscule bite of banana. After my friend, Allison, telling me that the twitch in my eye was a sign for potassium deficiency I decided to add another pill to my day. Its just a supplement but now I am taking just as many pills/supplements a day as 70 year olds take.
The good news is: I have not had one charlie-horse or eye twitch since I started the supplements! So there's to you banana, I don't think you and I will ever be friends.


Anonymous said...

Haha that's a great story!

KM said...

Ha ha I like bannanas in smoothies! But ya the texture is sort of nasty. You are too funny! I need to take more vitamins. Maybe some pre-natal? Ha ha but for real there suppose to be way good for you!

Olivia Jewell said...

Rach, you're hilarious! That cracks me up. Banana's really aren't that bad. :)