Monday, July 23, 2012

Yellowstone Twenty Twelve

Another summer weekend getaway! 
Destination: Yellowstone National Park

It was fun to share Yellowstone with my family. Growing up, the only trips we went on were for my parents' tennis tournaments and mine and my brother's soccer and basketball tournaments. My dad and I were actually laughing about that this weekend. When I was younger, I hated going to see things like Yellowstone so maybe it was a good thing because I can now appreciate the beauty and enjoy it more. We drove up with my dad, Kaitlin, and Meahdow, Kaitlin's bestee.We were joined by Michael and Felicia, his cute girlfriend, Friday day. We stayed in a hotel room, my family doesn't camp! We only had one room so we got pretty creative on sleeping arrangements. 

We were able to spend two whole days in the park. I got to see things I haven't even seen before. Day 1: we did the whole upper loop and got to see the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone and we hiked down to both the lower and upper falls which were all amazing sites. Day 2: we did most of the lower loop which we saw the beautiful Yellowstone Lake (Kaitlin could resist getting almost all the way submerged in but my dad stopped her before she was all wet), Old Faithful and the Grand Mosaic. We were able to spot some animals like elk and buffalo. Without even knowing it at first, we got pretty close to a buffalo by Old Faithful. No bears though.  

We stayed in West Yellowstone and went out for dinners. Anywhere you go to eat in West Yellowstone, the food is way over priced and comes in small servings I've come to realize. Our first night we went to this place called Buffalo Bills, I think. I had read some bad reviews when we were in town the month before but a guy on the street was raving about it so my family agreed to go try it. Worst idea ever! If you have ever seen the show Restaurant: Impossible, this is a restaurant that needs Robert's help! Our server was 14 years old, which should have been a red flag right there! The server was a really nice boy though. The menus should have been another giveaway, they were oddly written and presented but we stayed.The food came out and we all regretted the decision of going there to eat. My dad's brisket sandwich was full of fat; by the time we got rid of most of the fat, the pile of fat was bigger the meat he had left to eat. Everything seemed to be from a can or a box recipe (which most people know how bad I hate those). Meahdow ordered their tomato basil ravioli soup which was $7 for a cup and the ravioli was the Chef Boyardee kind! She isn't normally picky, but she couldn't even eat it! The poor server came to check on us and none of us responded when he asked how everything was because we didn't know what to say. I highly recommend to stay clear of Buffalo Bills in West Yellowstone! Luckily, the next night's food was a bit better.

Gibbon Falls

Looking at the upper falls from the lower overlook

Brink of the Lower Falls

Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone

Mammoth Hot Springs

Meahdow, me, Dave, dad, Felicia, Kaitlin and Michael
Sitting on the black sand at Yellowstone Lake

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