Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Waterfall Canyon

Sunday we hiked Waterfall Canyon, in Ogden, with some friends. It was Dave's idea and I had never done it so I wasn't sure what the hike was like. I asked some friends come along, one of which is 6 months pregnant. I asked Dave the intensity level of it and after trying to come up with a good answer, he answered with, "I'm not sure, I just run up it and don't pay attention." Of course. One of the couples had done it and gave us a heads up about the difficulty yet we all, including Clar (pregnant friend), trudged on up the trail. I was super impressed with Clar! It got pretty tiring, there was a lot of climbing and my legs were feeling it. She was a trooper! We all had a blast though! It was a beautiful hike, every part of it, especially the waterfall.

This was taken near the bottom at the end. It was a perfect night!
Dave, me, Tracy, Clar, Allie and Jake
The waterfall was gorgeous! I thought we were somewhere tropical.

Dave loves to pull the moves out!

Heading back down the trail

Dave loves scenery shots and I hardly do much with them so I wanted to post and dedicate this picture for and to him

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