Saturday, June 25, 2011

Summers Off

I have been away from my classroom for 3 weeks now. It has been a new experience for me for one main reason: no need to stress about if I'll have a job come August. I can't say how great it feels enough. I feel a big difference this summer compared to last summer. A big weight is lifted off my shoulders and I can just enjoy my summer. I am really loving the teaching thing. I enjoyed every moment during the school year, even the hard ones, and I am enjoying the time off. There have been a couple moments that I get a glimpse of cabin fever in the last 3 weeks and it makes me realize I am probably not a staying home type. I am a happier and more whole person when I am productive and out in the world among others.

This summer I have kept busy. I decided I wanted to teach tennis again. I did it back about 5 or 6 years ago and I've been wanting to do it again. So now that we are settled and I have my summers open I jumped on the idea. I am teaching all ages. It is a lot of fun so far. I have also been playing on my mom's tennis team. We have a match each week and I am really enjoying it. I've had a hard time finding people to play tennis with since being married and living out of Salt Lake County and I've only done a few tournaments since we've been married so it's nice to be finally playing some matches again. I was able to go to the library for the first time since last summer a couple of weeks ago. I love going to the library without any ideas of titles or of what I want. I go up and down aisles and just browse through all the books, reading the excerpt on the backs. I look for things that peak my interest at the moment. I've found some great books this way so I continue to do it each time I go to the library. I've found that I really enjoy historical fiction, LDS fiction and then sometimes I pick up the fun fictions where a lot of them are based in the New York life. It was nice to be able to get back to the library and find some books. One other project I am determined to finish is our wedding album.

With being out of school I have also been able to get in a lot of much needed but dreaded doctor appointments. Not my favorite thing to do, actually it's my least favorite, most hated is more like it. It has become a joke wondering what is going to be the next thing to go wrong with my body with Dave and I. We've had insurance for just over 2 years now and ever since my body has been finicky. I have learned a lot about health and a lot spiritually. Well the spell is not over because I am still dealing with things from past problems and my doctors keep finding new issues. I'll have to give more details in a later post but I now believe that I am destined to learn something from all of it. I am an idiot and didn't think of it before someone that I look up to very much in the health biz mentioned when she got a blessing. I asked Dave to and jumped right on it and even fasted before. Dave gave me a blessing and my eyes were water fountains through it. It taught me a lot and calmed my mind. It was truly a blessing.

I have been able to do a lot so far and am excited for the rest of the summer. I have noticed that I have been spending a little bit more money since being out of school and having more time on my hands...eeh! Hopefully that trend slows down!

1 comment:

Cam and Mary said...

I hope you're okay Rach! We should play sometime now that you have more time on your hands! :)