Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Independence Day 2011

Saturday, we went to the Stadium of Fire with some friends and family. It was a hot evening and we were packed in tight to our nose bleed seats but it was fun. We got to see Brad Paisley, well he looked like an ant but he still put on a good show, and the "Best Fireworks Show in the World" (it's what they claim). The finale was felt, yes I said felt, by anyone within 30 miles. Dave would've enjoyed it if they just did that for a straight minute. Monday, we enjoyed Riverdale's ginormous parade and then went to the park to check out the festivities. Dave participated in the "Minute to Win It" game of cookie on your face (he had to get the cookie from his forehead to his mouth without touching it) and he won a gift card to Target! Wahoo! Later we barbecued with the Price's and then enjoyed a good water balloon fight. Growing up, my street would hold an annual water balloon fight on the 4th so I suggested it to the fam and they jumped on board. It was a hit. We had a few tears with the kiddos but it was a blast! It resulted in quite a few welts for the adults. I think Sunny and Mike had the right idea to wear normal clothes...more protection. Dave and I decided to watch fireworks from our roof instead of going to one of the parks. We got about 10 shows in one. It was awesome! I was a little scared being up so high on such a steep roof. Legalizing the illegals has really awakened a beast in people. They're everywhere now!

It's hard to really see but these two got the worst of it.
Happy Independence Day! I am so grateful for this country and my freedoms!

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