Friday, July 30, 2010

Self-Esteem Boosters

I love a good pick-me-up from random people or people you don't normally hear them from. I've had a couple recently and the one that I heard today made me laugh and want to share a few of them...

When we were with my family last weekend, we met them at the park ready to go in our tennis gear. Well I followed my mom out onto the court and she said, "Rach, your legs are looking muscley!" Inside my head, I instantly thought, "Sweet! All the biking is doing something." Then later that day we were hanging around my parents house and Kaitlin comes and wraps her arms around me to give me a hug and she says, "You're so skinny!" Again in my head I began to cheer and I got a big boost with that one because if you know Kaitlin, she doesn't really know how to give compliments, she usually tells you whats not so great about you. Yes, Dave tells me these things all the time especially since I've started training but sometimes you feel like the hubby is just saying to make you feel better so it is nice to hear it from others.

Ok, so the one today was my favorite. I was at work and my boss comes up to me and tells me that I stopped traffic yesterday. It first worried me and I thought, "Did I do something wrong or offend someone?" Then she tells me that a guy called and asked if the girl that was wearing black pants that just walked in (me) was married? She told him yes and he sounded crushed. It made my day.


Justin and Alli Barton said...

rachel! it's all true, you're a major babe. and a skinny/muscular one too.

LadyR said...

you have a great live. congratulations!