Sunday, July 11, 2010

Lake Powell July 3-6

Last weekend we went to Lake Powell with Kara, Nic and Kara's dad, Kyle. We went down to Wahweap. We usually go to Bullfrog but this was a nice change. We were able to see a lot of new places. Wahweap is huge compared to Bullfrog and you have a lot more options. As you can see by the pictures, we did a lot of playing and the boys found way too many places to play and explore. We only got the wakeboards and kneeboards out for a short portion of the last day because we used so much time climbing, jumping, and exploring. It was probably one of my favorite Powell trips thus far. We even got to sleep in til 8:30 each morning because we had the big cliff behind us delaying the blazing sun to rise on us.
Dave and Nic are like two peas in a pod, they feed off of each other. Well, this time Dave finally got hurt. Not that I want him to get hurt, but if you saw the things they do you would wonder, just like us, how in the world do they come out untouched or even alive? He didn't get hurt too badly. They were on there way back from an adventure (it was the only time he didn't take his shoes), trying to wedge theirselves back down between a slot and Dave started sliding bare feet down and then used his hands to slow him down to not crash into Nic. He came out with some burns on his feet and hands. Luckily it was the last night because it kind of broke his adventurous spirit cause of the pain. Other than that incident, we enjoyed ourselves and hope to go again real soon!

Setting up camp

Kyle told me I had the most graceful jumping style; we thought I looked like a witch after it's prey.
Every little canyon we went into, the boys found a rope to climb.

1 comment:

KM said...

Hey Happy Late B-day to Dave! We must have his wrong phone number cause some guy wrote us back and said he isnt Dave! Anyways thanks for coming on this trip! It was so much fun!