Monday, May 14, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Week Plus

As Dave and I were driving back from my parents Saturday, I had an ah ha. The week of Teacher Appreciation Week is always the week before Mother's Day Weekend. I don't know if that is planned that way or just a coincidence but it's kind of fitting.
I am sad this year is coming to an end. I've been on an emotional roller coaster these last few weeks. There has been quite a bit going on. About a month ago, I found out that my position wasn't secure again and it threw me for a loop. I did my best to hold it together but it just seemed as if one thing after another was piling on top of me. Fnding out about my job was just one more thing. I'm feeling a lot better after some reassuring words from colleagues and many prayers. It is still unknown where I'll be next year, but I know it will all work out how it is suppose to.
I was released from being the secretary in primary this Sunday and called as the Beehive adviser in Young Womens.  I've been in primary since Dave and I were married. This will definitely be a change. I have a wild but cute group of girls to work with and I'm excited. 
Summer is approaching fast and I am excited but a little stressed on where I'll be next year and if I have to move again. I need the break but I'm sad to see another group of kiddos that I've fallen in love with move on.

1 comment:

Cam and Mary said...

That's so frustrating about your job! Good luck! You'll do great wherever you are. I've been in YW for a few years now. They will love you! Beehives are a fun, but sometimes challenging age. :)