Sunday we hiked Waterfall Canyon, in Ogden, with some friends. It was Dave's idea and I had never done it so I wasn't sure what the hike was like. I asked some friends come along, one of which is 6 months pregnant. I asked Dave the intensity level of it and after trying to come up with a good answer, he answered with, "I'm not sure, I just run up it and don't pay attention." Of course. One of the couples had done it and gave us a heads up about the difficulty yet we all, including Clar (pregnant friend), trudged on up the trail. I was super impressed with Clar! It got pretty tiring, there was a lot of climbing and my legs were feeling it. She was a trooper! We all had a blast though! It was a beautiful hike, every part of it, especially the waterfall.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Waterfall Canyon
Saturday, June 25, 2011
a perfect saturday
slept in
Summers Off
I have been away from my classroom for 3 weeks now. It has been a new experience for me for one main reason: no need to stress about if I'll have a job come August. I can't say how great it feels enough. I feel a big difference this summer compared to last summer. A big weight is lifted off my shoulders and I can just enjoy my summer. I am really loving the teaching thing. I enjoyed every moment during the school year, even the hard ones, and I am enjoying the time off. There have been a couple moments that I get a glimpse of cabin fever in the last 3 weeks and it makes me realize I am probably not a staying home type. I am a happier and more whole person when I am productive and out in the world among others.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
A Summer Weekend
We spent Friday working on beautifying our yard...Except for the garden, I've kind of neglected the exterior of our house since we've been here so I finally decided it was time to start giving it some attention. Well, when I have a picture in my head about the way something should be and look I go on the hunt to find that exact thing I'm picturing. I go to each and every store, some stores more than once, scrounging to find what I pictured, and the best deal of course. I've been somewhat scared to tackle the planters thing but thanks to the help of my plant loving mother-in-law, Sunny, and my endless-giving husband we got it done.After hours of searching for some planters and plants, and then planting the plants, I can tell you that that is as far as I'm going to get this year on the exterior. I'm tired. Maybe next year I'll get to the back deck more. Now I just need people to share it with so that I don't feel like I did it for nothing. So here is your peek! Now remember, the plants just were planted so they might look funny now but in a month or so they will fit better...hopefully!