Sunday, October 28, 2012


We finally finished the whole series of Prison Break, Friday. It's been a very long time since I have had to fight tears so hard and then have them burst out like they did while watching the last two episodes of the series Friday night. My tears were out of control! While the ending was a tear jerker, I don't believe that Prison Break had that big of effect on my emotions. My emotions have been on edge for quite awhile and it takes a lot of what I have to hold them in right now. Many times I have found myself almost in tears or the tears coming to my eyes but then I'm able to pull out of it, but it was too much to handle this time. Back in the spring when I learned my fate of moving schools again, my excuse for everything to Dave would be, "I'm in a bad state." A lot of the time, I would say it to bring some humor in the moment but it kind of started to change my attitude for the worse. I try not to pull that out so much anymore which has seemed to help. Now, I am in just a bit of a fragile state. Dave knows me so well and just loves to watch my emotions during the shows we watch. He thinks it's cute. I hate it! I hate crying, especially to fictional  realities! But they real me in a lot.

Also this weekend, Dave finally took down the tree that tried to overtake our fence. He put the fence back up and it makes me feel so much safer, even though things and people can still get back there by just climbing over, it just makes me feel better.

We had a pumpkin carving fiesta at our friends' Allie and Jake's place, too. Dave's pumpkin was pretty cool this year. It's full of warts and tumors.

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