Monday, June 28, 2010

Some Thoughts of Mine

I can't believe it's almost July! This year has flown by for us. I know it's far from over but it just feels like we were playing Mario Kart on New Years or climbing the boulders in St. George just a few days ago. For the last few days I've been wanting to come post things but my mind was caught by other tedious chores and things. So I'm going to try and remember it all and jot a few thoughts down here...

~Stomach Update~
It's been about a month and a half since the doc scoped my tummy and diagnosed me and I go for another scope in 4 weeks from today...the sad and frustrating thing is that my stomach hasn't gotten mucch if any better. A few weeks back, I decided to start following all of the docs orders and went over all the notes he sent home with me again because I was still feeling crappy, then I switched to a new pill a couple weeks after that because it was still not great, that seemed to help more but then we found out that pill was 4x the cost of the other, so I am back to the first one and have had my ups and downs.

~Shopping Carts~
Here's a funny thing... I don't know if it's a curse or just coincidence but it seems to happen to me everytime I grab a cart...I walk to carts and eye each one to try and make the best choice (i.e. the one that doesn't have a handicapped wheel that you can hear from across Costco or feels like a car without power steering and you have to get down low and act like a football lineman), I make my choice and start rolling it in the store. After having something already placed in the cart or I am too far to go back for a new one, I discover a flaw and it's not just a little guy, it's one that you want to place a paper bag over your head you're so embarrassed.

~The Cruise~
I don't know what it is...well I take that back, I'll just explain. Since the cruise I have been the happiest, most relaxed self I've been in a good while. It's like it rebut me. Right before the cruise I was teaching part-time, substituting, and serving full-time. I was way past the burnt out stage. I had been dealing with so much stress with my teaching job and bringing it to the serving job and then the only time I'd see Dave was at Goodwood and we were both on high stress there so it just wasn't good. Just to prove our busy lives, when we calculated our entertainment spendings for April it came to be $1.07, a redbox. We were pathetic. We are now on summer break from school and we decided to put serving behind us. The Cruise came at the perfect time for both of us! I am now working at Sylvan Learning Center during the days which I am really enjoying it. I am also happy to say that Dave and I are now using our entertainment fund to it's full potential!

~Lotoja Training~
A year ago, I would've not imagined myself where I'm at today. Up until this last fall it had been 11 years since I had placed my bottom on a bike seat other than a spinning bike at the gym. I have to say I've come a long way in road biking in such a short time and I'm really enjoying myself. It's been a fast paced learning experience since the race is in just 11 short weeks but I knew it was going to be. Usually I am a baby when it comes to things that I don't think I can do, scared to do or just don't want to do (luckily, I married the most patient man in the world!) but I have taken things pretty well, for example, Dave and I took a ride around base and then went to highway 89 via 193 and back through South Weber. Dave just happened to not mention or remind me that we'd be hitting 89 on it's down slope...holy cow, was I freaking! The one thing I was scared of was hills and I've been pretty good easing my way into going down bigger and bigger ones but this was the biggest, fastest, and longest thus far. I hit 41 mph and we were averaging probably 35-40 the whole way down to South Weber Drive. I couldn't get resistance to pedal until being on SWD for a few minutes. It was a big rush! Also being next to cars going at highway speed wasn't the most comforting feeling either. Another thing I worry about is letting my guard down as I get more comfortable with it. I just make sure I don't and hope I don't. It's been such a great learning experience. I try to do 3 rides a week and then I run the other 3 days. I've been on a couple longer rides and have learned the importance of food and hydration, we all have (Ryan, Bridget and I). I have to point out that I did out last Dave on our ride Friday...that's big! It's been a lot of fun. I plan to continue perfecting it after Lotoja.


Boonie and Jenn said...

I'm glad you got to go on that cruise! I wish I could go on one to reboot!!! Hope you start feeling better soon.

Cam and Mary said...

Sorry you aren't feeling any better. I bet that's really frustrating. I can't believe you're going down such big hills on a bike! I'm such a chicken. Cam just got a bike to ride to work and I hopped on the other day and was nervous just going down the street! Good job! :)