Wednesday, April 28, 2010

For the Last 2 Weekends We...

....decided to take one more trip to St. George with my family before the summer months. We never go during the summer, it's just too darn hot!

This is Dave and Kaitlin being silly with the silverware wrappings at a new favorite cafe, 25 Main.

...took Kaitlin to the Dixie Boulders. She loved it!

...went on a family bike ride...doesn't everyone look so happy...ha.

...worked on the yard.
Dave built me this box for a garden so I am starting a garden this year, it's my trial year. I've already got peas popping up!! So far, so good. The rest of the stuff will be planted after it stops getting so cold! We'll see how the rest of it does...I'm planning on growing tomatoes, squash, and peppers.
Dave has done an amazing job with our yard and continues to make it look great.

...bought 5 new goldfishies for our pond since the others didn't survive this winter. We named all but 2. Manny, Alby, and Toro. We're hoping for some help from our niece and nephew to name the other 2. Julie and Britt?? Let us know if they come up with any.

...watched the Jazz destroy the Nuggets.

Dave was able to go and enjoy the game with my dad.


Cam and Mary said...

Your yard looks great! Glad you've had some fun weekends!

KM said...

Fun I want a garden one day! By the way are you a serious biker now!? You look rad in your outfit. We should all go biking together. All though I need to get in to shape!

Julie P. said...

You can never go wrong with Spongebob or Lightning McQueen:) I will ask Wells for some inspiration!