We started our Christmas week off at a party with Dave's extended family. We ate some good food and then topped it off with a white elephant gift exchange (we made it out the best I think with 100 calorie kettle corn and a bag full of clementines) and some Christmas carols with chimes.
Christmas Eve was spent with Dave's family. Again we ate some good food. We had a live Nativity with Cora as Mary, Wellyn played Joseph and Jonas as baby Jesus...
Papa Claus brought Dave a lighted frisbee and me a comfy blankie
It was a great Christmas! We both scored some sweet gifts! Me some bike stuff (Lotoja here I come!) and a Cricut so I can take my crafting to the next level...I have a lot to learn! Dave some sweet bike stuff and the dvds Planet Earth and Blue Planet. We also got some great Christmas movie classics!
Merry Christmas and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!