Sunday, November 15, 2009

Recovering Dave

So Dave had a Septoplasty (is the correct term, but in other words septum) procedure done on Thursday. The doctor said his cartilage was shaped like an accordian. We don't know how it happened. Dave doesn't remember any major hit but it probably happened when he played football in high school.

He's been nauseated since the minute he woke up from the anesthia. From when I got to be with him in the Phase 2 recovery room we had to wait 2 more hours to even be considered to be let go due to Dave's nausea roller coaster. Poor guy has probably the weakest stomach I know. Every time we fly he has to take Dramamine to put him out so he won't be miserable the whole flight. And to think he wanted to be a pilot. After being at the hospital over 6 1/2 hours, for a procedure that took less than an hour, the nurse finally let me go get the car to go home. While I was getting the car Dave finally let go of some of what was bothering his stomach. Blood. I guess blood has a tendency to drain back into your stomach from nose surgeries and your stomach doesn't like blood. We think that is still the main cause of his nausea.

His nose is healing up fine and he can already feel a complete difference in breathing. Even with gunk still up there, he noticed a difference right off. I hope it helps in the long run. He was so miserable with the constant stuffy feeling and always having to clear his throat.


Cam and Mary said...

Nausea is not fun! I feel the same way after getting put out. Glad he's feeling better already though.

KM said...

I am glad he is ok! Hopefully the insurance took care of most the cost!

Boonie and Jenn said...

Glad he is feeling better! It's never fun to be nauseous. But hopefully it will all be worth it to be cleared out up there