Tuesday, July 29, 2008

After a long two weeks of Gladiator, we were ready for a break so...we took one! We decided to use our day off and see St. Louis!!! Dave loved the Gateway Arch. He couldn't take enough pictures of it. We have a shot from every angle but I picked out the best ones to spare you all:) My favorite is the one above. He took it while we were lounging on the grass under the trees. It was a perfect day of R-n-R for sure! We walked down to the great Mississippi and Dave tried to get me to dare him to swim acrossed it but then when he saw how fast it moved he second guessed himself. We also went to the St. Louis Union Station but they've turned it mostly into shops and restaurants but it was still fun because we were able to sign our name and where we were from in a traveling record book like they kept in the olden days.

( Don't you think he looks so good in yellow?!?)
I decided I need to be more specific when asking people to take pictures of us. You can barely see us! :)
My hair doesn't do its best in humidity:( And it's dark again, if ya can't tell!

Ok so above is the evidence of how bad the flooding was here. It came all the way over the street, up above the grass line. The Arch is right aboe this grass. Crazy huh?!?
And below shows that the water is still high. Do you see the statue of Louis and Clark??? HA HA. I loved this!

This was a cool bridge that led to Illinois right where the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers meet. We were so excited to stand at that point but the road to get there was closed due to flooding. The dang floods ruin everything;) but we got to see this cool bridge.


Julie P. said...

Love the statue, I think that is my favorite thing about ST. Louis:)
Also thanks for the b-day song, it was fabulous!

Bridget said...

Hey, I am glad you two finally got a break! I miss you guys!

KM said...

Oh my your sight seeing trip looks like so much fun! I can believe how submerged that statue is. You weren't kidding! Well hurry home now :)