Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Twenty Fourteen

We're in our new house. I'm back to work. Dave and I were sick last weekend. I was coughing up my lungs and now Kearon sounds like a barking seal. Poor little guy has a teacher for a mom, but maybe this will create a strong immune system in him...I can only hope! Dave and I have learned the true worries of a parent in Kearon's first two months of life, that's for sure! He cant really cry right now so when he is hungry or tired he'll stick his lower lip out and fill his eyes with tears. It's the saddest thing in the world!

Kearon had his 2 month check last week. Great news, his heart murmur is gone! Kearon is almost off the charts in measurements! 13 lbs 13 oz puts him in the 83 percentile. 24 1/4 inches long puts him off the charts in height so they just put 99 percentile because that's a high as they go.  And his head is 91% being 40  and something cm! We have one super baby! He's also a champ eater and sleeper! According to his babysitter, she has never seen a baby eat faster in her 21 years of holding her daycare! He has been sleeping through the night for awhile now. He will have some nights where he wakes up once but mostly sleeps well through the night.

I love being in our new place! We continue working on it night after night and that will probably be the trend for awhile but we don't mind it. I love the views i see each time I look out the windows throughout the house. We couldn't have picked a better place for that purpose. I love that my laundry room is on the main floor with me! I love my kitchen. It still has some work to go but I love it. I love our master closet! Dave and I drew and planned out each closet and then Dave executed them wonderfully and I think they turned out amazing! it makes me want to keep this house that much more tidy! I love the carpet in the bedrooms! We had only hardwood floors in our last house which I loved but the carpet in the bedrooms is a cozy touch. I am so excited to use a deck come the nice weather. Last for now, the way I feel inn this home, neighborhood and each time I leave or come is unbeatable.  

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