Sunday, August 19, 2012

Wildflower Pedalfest

The Wildflower Pedalfest is a women's only bike ride up in Morgan Valley which is right up the canyon from us. It was the first annual and they put together a great ride! I wasn't planning on doing it because I have been ridiculously busy with school and tennis so, I haven't been riding as much. I did the 50 mile ride the weekend before and I did fine so, I bought someone's spot (shh! don't tell, I got a better deal that way anyway and still got all the perks! Lunch, massage, a cute shirt, etc.). Bridget did the 75 that climbs Big Mountain, maybe I'll do it one day, but I wan't conditioned for it this time.The 50 miler climbs up to East Canyon Dam which is a nasty climb so I am glad I did it the week before! I felt much better doing it this time than the week before too. I found a couple of girls to ride with and we stuck together until the last 6 miles where I separated from them because I got anxious and felt great. The ride was a lot of fun! The only part that was tough was the head wind while climbing up East Canyon, but it helped to be riding with others. I'm the first to admit I'm not a strong climber, but (I'm going to brag for 1 sec) I kicked everyone's behind up that hill! It felt so good to finally be the one doing all the passing and breaking away instead of being the one left behind or passed! 

 We got lunch and a free massage afterwards. And they had at least 6 long tables lined with desserts! It was insane how many desserts they had. We had to be careful. They also had a raffle with at least 100 prizes. Sadly, Bridget and I didn't win anything. Oh well.

Getting ready 

Warming my legs up before the start

At the first feed zone

Taking off from the first feed zone and dreading the next 12 miles

Climbing to East Canyon with my new buds

On the descent back down! The girls I rode with completely fell in love with Dave after he had yelled out to us, "it's all downhill from here" at this point. They thought he was such a sweetheart for supporting me (I couldn't argue). 

I finished strong!

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