Friday, December 30, 2011

December Catch-up!

Wow! This month has flown by! Which is partly a good thing. Dave left for some work training December 4th and returned late Friday the 16th. It was the longest we have ever been apart, that is for sure! I kept really busy luckily but at night it got pretty lonely and I had a hard time sleeping. When I picked him up from the airport, I hid behind the car in front of me and then jumped out and ran into his arms as he came walking up to the car. I was so excited to see him and wrap my arms around him! I don't know how military wives do it! I've got a friend that is one and I don't envy her one bit!

Dave was a bit sad that he missed half of the holiday season and he got a bit frustrated when he had to go out in the crowds and shop. But I'm happy to have him home and t
hat behind us. I had dreaded that two weeks since I found out about it in the summer.

He left right after the Windageddon and our roof was in shambles so he patched it together the best he could with the time he had before he left. He put tarp over the big patches and nailed down as much he could. We'll be replacing the whole front side of our roof come spring. We were going to purchase new blinds for the whole house for our Christmas present to ourselves but that money and then some will be going to the new roof. Here's to home ownership.

Other good news: for those that know my troubles in the last year with my cycle, I STARTED ALL ON MY OWN! I have not had a normal period on my own for just over a year. When this first happened last year, yes, I had a big worry that I was prego, but I didn't think I was, but still so I took my first ever pregnancy test. I've taken quite a few threw the year due to my messed up cycle. I have always had a normal period so throughout the year it was pretty frustrating. I tool Provera at least 5 times throughout the year to jump start my period but finally this month I felt a normal, on-my-own period and it was great! Ha, you don't normally hear that from a girl but I couldn't tell you how ecstatic I was when it showed up! Now, I cross my fingers and pray it will come back next month. Pray for me:)

One of the many ways I kept busy while Dave was gone was spending time with his family. We went to Temple Square and also had a little hors d'oeuvres party at Brittany's (his sister). Thanks for the company and parties!

Dave's Gammy

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