Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter Weekend

Yes, we were in beautiful St. George again. Dave and I are beginning to believe we're locals down there. It's kind of fun.

Friday, we tracked back up and down Angels Landing, but this time we took my dad. We pushed him pretty hard and made it in under 3 hours round trip. We stopped at the top to take in the view and eat a little lunch. On the way back down, my dad decided he would count the switchbacks the trail had to offer...46 switchbacks later we were at the bottom. Which means you do a total of 92 switchbacks when hiking just up to the base, before the spine.

Dave lived for egg hunts (which were really candy hunts because there was too much candy and not enough patience for stuffing the plastic eggs) growing up. They enjoyed finding candy months later in new places around the house. I decided to give him a little taste of his childhood along with the other kids (Kaitlin, her friend, Michael and his gf-Terissa).

Easter came and brought a lot of joy to this Robin Egg fanatic!
We even caught my dad joining in the festivities.

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