Sunday, September 5, 2010

1 Week Down & 1 Week to Go

I survived my first week with the little tikes, and boy, do I have stories! I have some adorable 6 year olds in my class and I am way excited for the year to come. I am feeling deprived of sleep, energy, and time. All week I was staying late hours and then speeding home to get a ride in before dark. Then I would try to get other things done around the house, church calling stuff, as well as a minute on something of interest so I ended up going to bed late every night. It killed me. By Wednesday, I was beat and when Friday came I was trashed. I wanted to cry but didn't have time to. It's all good though. I knew it was going to be this way and I think the way I wanted this job so badly is helping my spirits too. I already feel well recovered and I still have Monday to finish the recovery to start a new week. Good thing I went to church today, it reassured me that I love children and I can play such a vital role in their lives.

1 Week to Go! Well just 5 short days now, til the big race. I can't believe it is finally here. I am so excited for Saturday. I'm not so much as nervous about being able to do it as I am about the other racers around me. I have put my heart, soul, and every ounce of energy I could into training. I've got to admit that I couldn't be more proud of myself then I am at this moment in my life. I have pushed through fears, doubts, struggles, and much more to get to where I am right now. I feel so very blessed to be able to meet some really big goals in my life. This includes teaching. Yesterday, I completed my first 100 miles and did it in 5 1/2 hours. It felt amazing! I hope I can sleep this week!
I am grateful for all the strength and support I have been given, especially over this last year.
Cranker Sores CLIMB!!! (that's for Bridge)

1 comment:

Boonie and Jenn said...

You are amazing! Glad your first week went well. And good luck with this weekend!!! I am amazed that you can do something like that :)