Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Day I was Forbidden Chocolate

I've been having major problems with my stomach lately so I finally decided to get it checked out. I thought it might be stress related because of work this last year. I saw a gastroentrologist a couple weeks ago and he said he wanted to check out what was going on in there since there is so many different organs and places things could go wrong in the stomach area. Today they scoped me out. I wasn't really nervous because now that I have experience in the IV department and that I have gone under and was totally fine with it all. Well today was a bit of a different start.
We got to the procedure office and signed my life away pretty much, sat down and waited for me to get called back. I got called back and followed a nice lady back to the "prep" room I guess you can call it. She let me change and started telling me what the procedure entailed and all. Then she grabbed the IV supplies and started prepping me with the IV. Dave stepped out to get me my magazine so I could have it while I waited, I later found out he was getting a little nausious as well. So the IV is in me and I feel the pricking feeling still and I guess my head and body didn't like it. The nurse asked if my temp was good and if I felt nausious. As I shook my head and said no she got up to go out of the room assuming I was fine...well, I wasn't and it hit fast because all I remember is Dave walking in with the magazine trying to hand it to me, I started whining-almost crying because I felt so blurry and sick and didn't know what to do about it. The next thing I know a nurse is trying to coax me back to life and had me put my head between my knees. I remember moaning a little cause I still felt like crap but now my head was in a big blur and I felt like crap. Dave came with another nurse rolling in a bed and as soon as they got me on that bed lying down a big relief came across my body. All that happened probably within 5 minutes. I have never in my life passed out and I can tell you now that it is a WEIRD feeling! It's like being drugged under laughing gas at the dentist when they can get some funny things out of you, times 10.
Anyway, the procedure went well. I do like coming out of anesthia because you can't recollect what they did or what was in you swimming through your body and that comforts me for some reason. The results came fast and I'm glad that they found hopefully the only source of the problem, they are still testing other things as well but hopefully those will come back negative. I guess I have acid-reflux stage b and d is the worst. They gave me some strong medication and some other things I need to do to help my stomach heal so hopefully I won't have to take a pill for it the rest of my life. The doc also said I need to avoid alcohol, tea, coffee-those are a sinch, fatty foods-ok I just can't pick at the fries at work anymore, and CHOCOLATE!!!-what in the world am I going to do without my chocolate fix each day??? Dave even is on board and hid my m & m's from me on the way home! He also took my car to work cause he didn't trust that I wouldn't take it out...he knows me too well. I get checked out again in 2 months so I better be healing in there or I don't know what I'll do!
So since I can't drive today and can't go outside due to the crappy May day out there, Dave took me to get a popcorn air popper and a couple movies. I LOVE popcorn and always use the stove method but it take so dang long and you have to shake it and watch it and shake it some more so I am so so excited to have a popper that doesn't require fatty oil to pop the corn. I already ate a whole big bowl of popcorn and am trying to hold back from popping another batch.
That's my story today and the day's not even half over!


Cam and Mary said...

Good luck Rach! I had stomach problems before Cam and I got married and had the same thing done. They told me I had reflux and to avoid chocolate too, but I never really did, and it went away! Maybe you'll have the same luck! :)

Rick Otterstrom said...

Sorry to hear about the stomach problems. Glad to hear that it should heal. Then you can get back some chocolate, right? Sounds like things are going well for you guys otherwise.