Sunday, March 14, 2010


In light of the holiday, here is one of the many reasons I am so lucky...

So last night was one of the worst nights at Goodwood and that is saying a lot because I've had a lot of bad nights lately. I've been thinking lately that I am about as burnt out as they come for serving. I've been serving for 5 years! I've served at 4 different restaurants over those 5 years. Smoky's being the longest of 3 and now Goodwood is my second longest being almost a year. Well the last 3 months Dave has been by my side and he now gets to see what I used to come home complaining his ear off about first hand. Don't get me wrong, there are some moments I love it for many different reasons, but lately I've just had the burnt-out-bug I think and last night was one of those times where it bit me in the butt and I just wanted to scream. So anyway, I came home to a very loving and understanding man (which I already knew he was but he surpasses what I thought I knew each and everyday).

A bouquet of flowers and Twix (one of my faves-me and caramel are buds)

These were waiting for me when I walked in... along with a full body massage! I am one lucky women!


Mac & Jesi said...

Oh, What a cute hubby!

Unknown said...

louis vuitton speedy bag 's a good writer and

she knows Rouge et Noir thoroughly. Is she attempting to detect if there's any affection for Stendhal in me? Sarah Jessica Parker's Rouge et Noir Philosophy with Chanel bag should say thank-you

to me as I'm exactly who she wears to please. Her choice of black chiffon dress as set-off for a pink Chanel

flap bag
makes 100% sense to me! I can't help guessing what her moskova sequel would be like. Most likely Sarah Parker's gonna drive her

fellow threesome to hold a parade of classic
Chanel bags!

Gosh, what a to-die-for fashion feast to all the Chanel maniacs all over the world!