Sunday, August 23, 2009

Yellowstone '09

This year's Yellowstone trip could have been categorized as under the "R and R" list of vacations but that was not the case due to this 1000 pieces puzzle of The Parthenon that Dave was so eager to bring and put together. We arrived at the cabin Wednesday early afternoon and it wasn't more than a couple hours later that we pulled it out and started piecing it together. Come to find out we have some mad puzzle workers in the fam. Once they start they don't sleep til the last piece is placed. Countless hours were spent on this puzzle. We also found out that there are some munchkins in the fam that like to place crucial puzzle pieces in tin cans. It came down to a late night Saturday with not much light, bags of popcorn, hot cider, and 5 determined puzzle workers. The last piece was placed Sunday morning after found in the chair cushion by Dave after searching high and low.

The Red Rock Retreat

Quake Lake
The only bear we saw:(

Playing with hot water...really I burnt my foot
A nice warm river we found

Old Faithful

Tired driver
I don't think we'll ever forget this trip to Yellowstone. It will always be known as the "Puzzle Trip." And I almost forgot, we'll also never forget Jon and Julie's "Fire-Hole" will forever be ingrained in my eyes of what became of it that night. Thanks Prices for a great and unforgetable time. We have filled our heads back up with the "I wants" that will last us probably until next year.