Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Gratitiude for Freedom

One day after graduation I was roaming around my in-laws' bookcase trying to find something to keep my mind busy. I came across these books by Dean Hughes. The series is called The Children of the Promise. It's historical fiction, about the WWII era and an LDS family trying to survive in this time. I was immediately hooked. I've now gone onto the sequel series called Hearts of the Children that continues the story of this family with the next generation in the 60s. Anyway, although it's fiction Hughes puts only facts in about the historical aspect, thus, I have grown such a greater appreciation of what other generations have faced as well as people living in other countries out of America. Ever since I've started these books I have find myself to be somewhat obsessive about WWII...a little weird for me since history was one of the things I hated growing up. My mom would drag us to these boring museums that I would drag my feet through and whine; sorry mom. The tides have turned. Dave has loved this fascination as well because he can get me to watch rated 'R' movies since they are about WWII. We've watched quite a few.

This last Sunday I almost broke down in sacrament as we stood as sang The Star-Spangled Banner. Can you say, WOW?!? I am so grateful to live in this free, democratic country! Even at this time when our democracy is being toiled with; I am so blessed to have the freedoms I do. I can think and act the way I believe is right, travel across the country, hold a decent job, be with whom I please and be an equal with him, etc. without being threatened by government. Even with these books being fiction, they have helped me grow and have strenghtened me as a person and a citizen of this country. No wonder so many have had the dream to some to America throughout America's history.


Cam and Mary said...

I need to read those books! I've heard they're really good.

natalie j. + richard a. said...

I have heard that those books are really good!!
Thank you for the congratulations! Our house is on about 8700 South and 1100 East.