Tuesday, September 13, 2011

It's That Time of Year Again!

I just can't believe how fast time is whizzing by me. It's honestly making me sick, especially how much is still on my to do list for school and it continues to grow more and more each day.

Every second weekend of September, you know where to find the Price's. If you don't already know what this time of the year means for us then shame on you...no, just kidding. It's Lotoja time!

This year, Bridge and I decided to be the support crew for our hubbies and Michael Price. All summer I was kind of jealous but the jealousy quickly changed the night before. Dave had a rough time training this summer for two main reasons; one, school and two, he had IT Band Syndrome on his right leg and had to battle that. He worked really hard at strengthening his IT Band and did his best with what he had.

The weather forecast looked a lot brighter than last year and it turned out to be a beautiful day for us spectators but the head winds and heat was hard on the riders. Although somewhat against the rules of Lotoja support crewing, we stopped and watered our near empty boys' bottles right before the King/Queen of the Mountain climb (the steepest climb in Lotoja, they time it and award the fast ones). We even helped another rider out that was in dyer need as well. Lotoja used to have a nuetral support close to where we stopped but they moved it to the top of K/QOM. We thought that was a poor decision. Poor souls that didn't have people stop.

The boys took off at 7:34 a.m. and crossed the finish line at 6:27 p.m. They reached Preston (34 miles) in 1 hour and 15 minutes and stopped really quick to refuel and refill bottles. Next stop in Montpelier was at 11:45 a.m. This stop was a little bit longer but they ate most of the food we had for them and they felt okay except for Ry's leg was cramping. Part of the route for the support crew is with the riders and others aren't but when we are en route with the riders, it's fun to stop and cheer them on as they pass and then cheer from the car as you pass them and then stop again and do it all over again. The boys reached Afton pretty quick, I think the time was around 2:30ish and Bridge and I were kind of off guard when they pulled up to us, but we tried to hurry them on there way but it seemed as if they were beginning to feel all the pains and rejected a lot of the food because they just couldn't eat (continuously eating is very important). The last stop we saw them before the finish line was at Alpine Junction around 4:05. We really wanted them to meet their time goal but they were in no rush to leave. They finally headed for their last 47 miles.

Bridge and I followed the rules by taking the long route around to Jackson, it was our first time that way and the LAST TIME her and I will EVER do that! We had to go over a mountain pass that was 10% grade up and down it and were behind brake lovers. Her car didn't like it at all and neither did we. We had quite a bit of road rage while trying to make it to the finish line to see our hubbies cross. Luckily, we made it but the anxiety we had was no fun.

As the boys came riding down the way towards the finish, they were side by side and all had giant grins on their faces. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen! I had my video camera ready and I got so excited when I saw them, I hit the off button instead of record and ended up only getting their back sides but I don't think I'll forget those grins for a long time. The boys finished in 10 hours 53 minutes. It wasn't what they hoped for but they were happy. They didn't feel too great after but not many people do after 206 miles, unless you're a professional. Bridge and I had a lot of fun and Sunny and Mike were able to finally make the finish line after trying for a couple years.

Bridge and I had a lot of fun being the support crew but I wouldn't recommend only a 2-man crew for 3 riders. We each had our duties and each time it was hard to fulfill them. I was on video camera, picture and water duty and that was pretty difficult but in the end I think we rocked it!

Woke up to a front door surprise. Thanks Cora and fam!

French toast breakfast
Sunscreen for my fair-skinned, freckled hubby
Jon surprised us all and came up to cheer the boys on at the start!

Support Crew 2011
Getting ready to take off

And they're off!
Right before K/QOM
The boys were struggling, good thing we stopped!

On the way to Afton, the scenery is beautiful
Dave's 2011 bib number
Wahoo! They did it!
Hanging out in Jackson the next day. Dave is humoring Michael and trying out his physics experiment.


Cam and Mary said...

Way to go Dave! I would definitely be on the support crew, too! :) I feel like we haven't seen you guys in forever! Let me know when is a good time to play!

Olivia Jewell said...

I recognize that house they're eating French Toast in....hmmm!
I was in Alpine again for LotoJa--I didn't realize you guys were around again. Good thing I got to see you earlier in the trip, but maybe next year.
PS thanks so much for making the get-together happen. The book is really coming along now.