Monday, May 26, 2008

Our early Memorial Day celebration

So out here in Missouri the boys are required to work everyday except for Sundays and that is not excluding holidays so us wives put together a Memorial Day bbq a day early (on Sunday). It was a very successful bbq I would say. We had plenty of food, treats, and sports tools (as Adam Webb would say). Although we had a large space to play in, it wasn't big enough and far enough from the pond for the boys. One of the girls might of jinxed what was bound to happen with the football but if jinxed or not it happened. The football ended up in the pond. These ponds are well sized and the only way to get to it was by a brave soul that would kick his little flippers and stroke those arms to the center of the pond where many ducks and one swan had resided for the duration of the life of this pond.

Now at this time in the bbq I was sitting at the table above and talking with other bbqers. I happened to look down towards the pond and what cought my eye was my husband in the walls of the pond, trying to hide from me behind two boys ripping his shirts off. I'm sure all of you that know him would not be shocked by the things he does but after almost a year of marriage to him I still am taken back by the things he does. I mean I am getting better and better at understanding the way he thinks and what excites him but I guess what I am saying is life is one adventure after another. It's great! I just giggle at the things that I have experienced with him.

Anyway back to the story, it was obviously my husband to go get that football. He tip-toed in at first but he dove in the second he could. He kicked his feet and his arms went one stroke after another but he wasn't heading towards the ball, he first had to chase after the baby ducks...(again his mind works in different ways, not in a bad way but just different). hopefully you can see the rest of what hapened... if I can get the video to upload:) it's worth it to watch!

Ok so here is the video! It's great! I apologize before hand about my obnoxious yelling but maybe you'll understand.


Cam and Mary said...

I'm glad you guys had a fun Memorial Day. Your husband is funny! I would be happy to help you with your blog, but my sis-in-law actually does my background for me, so I don't even know how to! It looks great though!

Olivia Jewell said...

Hey Rach-
Sounds like you guys are having fun! Call me and I can help you with the uploading of the video. Something that helps a lot is if you have Windows MovieMaker, or a similar program, just shrinking the size of the video then it will usually upload quicker.
As for us, we ended up staying in Williamsburg this summer. It has turned out really well because I've been able to keep working and Eric got a good job with the local prosecutors office, so both of us are really close to home and eachother... which is always nice! :) But anyway- really call me anytime if you need help with the blog, I'm certainly not an expert, but I've figured a few things out with time.
Love you!

Amberlie and Anthony said...

Lol! Rachel you make me laugh, but that was a good day. I am glad you got to blog about it, you will have to email me the pics from that day.

Cam and Mary said...

Great video! I especially love your screaming, as that is exactly what I would be doing! I am going crazy waiting for the baby- I really hope he comes soon!

Price's Write said...

Yo dude, did the doctor ever give you somthing for that rash you got from the pond??

katherine said...

Ha, Ha, Ha!!!! That is so funny!!!!